Want to see what Martial Arts is all about?
Everyone can take advantage of a free week of classes to try us out and see what goes on. We welcome & encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to try something new!
Here's how to get started:
Step One:
Call or email the office to set up an appointment. This ensures that someone is available to introduce you to how we do things and show you the basics.
Step Two:
Print the following form and bring it along to your appointment. The form is available in the office if you forget it - just allow some extra time to fill it out prior to your appointment time.
Step Three:
Show up 10 minutes early dressed in comfortable clothing. Gym type wear is recommended.
Bring water. We also have water available for purchase should you forget yours.
Bring a mask if you'd like. They are recommended but not required per CDC guidelines.
This class starts your free trial week. Free trials do NOT need to begin on a Monday.
Step Four:
Show up as many times as you'd like within your free trial week. Get the most out of what we have to offer!
Adults 13+ may come to as many classes per day as they'd like - this includes our Cardio Kickboxing classes.
Due to large class sizes, children are limited to one class per day.
My Free Trial is over... Now what??
When you are finished with your free trial, let us know what you thought!
If you'd like to come back, stop by the office to complete payment and receive your free uniform.