In 1974, the Korean martial art system of Jung Sim Do was established by the art’s founder, Grandmaster Seung Kil Choi, 9th Dan and brought to the United States. When GM Choi passed away on an island off the coast of Korea in 1991, he left a number of Black Belts and their students to carry on the Jung Sim Do tradition.
The West Shore Academy of Martial Arts instructs in the three major martial arts of Korea: Tae Kwon Do, Hap Ki Do and Yu Do. The techniques of these styles are then taught under the philosophy of Jung Sim Do, meaning “straight mind way“.
Philosophy of
Jung Sim Do
Jung Sim (also known as Jung Shin) begins as an accumulation of proper training of basic etiquette and manners, such as bowing upon entering the dojang, and greeting instructors as “sir”. Calling someone “sir” is not meant to teach humbleness. Rather, it serves to remove basic fears people have about respect to a senior classmate. When a basic fear is removed, many other fears are also eliminated and the student gains self-confidence. Under Jung Sim principles, an instructor becomes a guide rather than a superior.
Jung Sim is a well-known principle throughout Korean martial arts. It leads the student to achieve a sense of loyalty, self-discipline, self-motivation, self-confidence and purpose. By putting together the esoteric teachings of Jung Sim, a martial artist can change his concentration and wisdom into a never-give-up attitude, an essential in traditional martial arts training. Jung Sim is so important that inferior techniques can still win if he bears a superior Jung Sim.
Jung Sim Do has a philosophy which is based on constant striving for excellence. The aim is to be an honorable person with good character and physical condition. To reach the ultimate benefits of Jung Sim Do, one must practice it daily and commit to it for a lifetime. Although it is most impossible to achieve perfection in the following areas, one must always strive to improve.
In Jung Sim Do, there are five basic tenets, or principles, of living that we abide by. These should serve as a guide to all serious students, both inside and outside the dojang.
(Ye-Ui) in a broader sense is kindness, humility, good manners, politeness, and respect.
(Yom-Chi) generally speaking, is honesty, straight dealing, purity, moral soundness, and uprightness. To have integrity means to be honest with everyone and with yourself at all times.
(In-Nae) is persistence, a steadfast pursuit of and an understanding of the aim, continuation in the practice of Jung Sim Do regardless of the amount of obstacles, hindering circumstances, difficulties, or occasional “let downs” which are only temporary situations. The strong will to hold on, regardless of obstacles. Loyalty.
(Guk-Gi) is a double edged sword: on the one hand, it is the physical control with regard to motions, precision of execution, prevention of unnecessary injuries (as opposed to acting wildly) or killing, due to lack of control. Experience is the best teacher, but all the physical reactions are based on the psychological makeup, maturity, and moral, ethical, and religious codes. Emotions are usually involved, to a certain degree, in the majority of situations, hence the need for emotional self control. The degree of controlling the particularly strong emotions such as love, hate, anger, surprise, joy, sadness, etc., show the level of achievement of each practitioner of Jung Sim Do.
Emotions should be governed by a strong and conscious reason and aided by experience in principles. The success of application of this tenet in practical everyday life should result in creating the indomitable spirit.
(Baekjul-Bool Gool) Indomitable means unconquerable, unbreakable, unquenchable. To put it simply, it means that one has such strong unshakeable beliefs and principles that even sacrificing the most precious possession one has, one’s own life, is not too high a price to pay in defending them.
Tae Kwon Do
The translation of Tae Kwon Do is “hand and foot way” and is known as the art of kicking and punching. It incorporates the abrupt, linear movements of Japanese Karate and the flowing, circular patterns of Chinese Kung Fu with its own incomparable kicking techniques to form an integrated system unique to Korea.
Hap Ki Do
Hap Ki Do, the “way of coordinated power“, involves techniques of joint and pressure point manipulation. Though usually compared to Japanese Aikido, Hap Ki Do continues to a point beyond that reached by Aikido in its philosophy of defense. Where an aikidoist will apply defensive techniques only to nullify an attack, a Hap Ki Do practitioner not only meets the attack, but turns it back against the opponent and follows through with offensive methods.
Yu Do
Yu Do, is Korean judo. The first principle of Yu Do is yu or gentleness. Combined with the syllable do meaning “way” comes the definition of Yu Do or “gentle way“. It involves the instruction in the proper methods of falling and includes techniques of throwing, holding, choking and arm locks.
Jung Sim Do curriculum also includes Nunchucku (Flail), Kumdo (way of the sword), and Jang Bong (long stick). TheJoong Bong (short stick- Modern Arnis tradition), andknife/gun disarms are supplemental programs offered at the WSAMA. Basic Meditation practice (focus on posture and breathing methods) are also an integral part of Jung Sim Do training.